Students & Trainee attorneys/advocates

Students and trainee lawyers interested in arbitration welcome!


We invite students (without any qualifiers e.g. “doctoral”, “postgraduate”) and trainee lawyers who participated in arbitration contests / moot courts  (e.g. Vis Moot, FDI Moot, Lewiatan Arbitration Moot, KIG Moot Court etc.) to join in the Dispute Resolution in M&A Transactions conference at a special reduced fee of EUR 50.00 + VAT. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know the world of famous arbitrators.


If you want to take part, please write to us at, including your full name and a scan or photograph of both sides of your student / trainee ID (we respect your privacy – sensitive details such as your personal identification number, address etc. may be redacted).


In our reply, we will send you all payment details and GDPR permission forms.


If you require an invoice for your participation fee, please state so in your registration e-mail.


Do not hesitate to take part in our conference. We are waiting for your reservation!