Mark Kantor
Mark Kantor is a retired partner of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy (now Milbank LLC), an international arbitrator in investment and commercial disputes, Adjunct Professor at the Georgetown University Law Center and Editor-in-Chief of the online journal Transnational Dispute Management. He was a member of the World Bank Group Sanctions Board (term ended Fall 2021). He is a former member of the American Arbitration Association Board of Directors and the Council of the American Arbitration Association, and former Chair of the DC Bar International Investment Committee and the DC Bar International Dispute Resolution Committee. He has authored numerous works, including Reports of Overseas Private Investment Corporation Determinations (eds. Mark Kantor, Michael D. Nolan and Karl P. Sauvant), Valuation for Arbitration: Compensation Standards, Valuation Methods and Expert Evidence (OGEMID Best Book 2008) and “A Code of Conduct for Party-Appointed Experts in International Arbitration – Can One be Found?” 26 Arbitration International 323 (2010) (OGEMID Best International Dispute Resolution Article 2010).